The majority of churches across America celebrate the Lord's Supper in some form (some refer to it as Holy Communion, the Eucharist, Sacrament at the Alter, or the Blessed Sacrament). Some get hung up on the name. However, I believe without reservation it is not about the name it is about the ACT of WORSHIP.
I'm fearful that in the majority of the churches today that Lord's Supper has become a tradition or monthly/quarterly requirement and not the act of worship it was meant to be. It has become a set date on the calendar. It is simply the act of passing a tray down the aisle, a short prayer, and verse of hymn and thank you for coming and out the door. There is no longer a call to repentance of sin, a discussion of forgiveness that we have been hurt by others, or a time of reflection of what I have done to others, no serious reflection on what Christ did at the cross.
Paul clearly set the stage in II Corinthians 11: 17-34 that the Lord's Supper is not about the church meeting its monthly requirement, fulfilling that constitution/by-laws, or getting together for a time of fellowship it is about a Heart Searching Change.
As I write, this it is not my heart or intent to criticize any method used to serve the Lord Supper It is my belief that as pastor and spiritual leader we need to take the individuals of our congregation to the very foundation of the teachings of the Lord Supper. We should continually take the members of our church to the place of remembrance, of the shed blood of Christ which is represented by the wine/grape juice, and the broken body of Christ which is represented by the broken bread. Helping them understand that it through a personal relationship with Christ, and remembering what he did at Calvary is what we need for a personal relationship with Christ.
As I close, pastor's I encourage to simply reevaluate the motive and method for serving the Lord's Supper. Spend some time doing a search of scripture, challenging your own heart, philosophy, and thinking about the Lord's Supper. Does the method you currently use bring individuals within your congregation to the place of worship, repentance, and develop a personal commitment with Christ. If not it is time do to something differently. My pastor and mentor in the ministry Dr. Don Lougheed emphases to all us young preachers, Always take them to the cross, always make sure they understand the significance of the cross, and lead them to repentance at the cross. That sum's up what the Lord's Supper is really all about.
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