Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chinese Facts for Kids About the Zhou Dynasty

There is nothing wrong with children learning about the history of another country. In fact, it should be encouraged because of hoe beneficial this knowledge can be for a child's future. China has a very interesting and long line of history to learn. China has had many different Dynasties. One of them is the Zhou Dynasty. During this period, there are many different Chinese facts for kids to learn.

The Zhou Dynasty was between 1027 B.C. and 221 B.C. and was created by a chieftain from the Zhou Tribe. The chieftain overthrew the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty. That is when the Zhou Dynasty was created. He lived in Hao, which at that time was the capital of China. Hao is located near the Xi'an city in the Shaanxi province.

The Zhou Clan ultimately created this Dynasty. This Clan has a long history throughout Chinese antiquity. The Zhou became so powerful by the 11th century B.C. that they lasted throughout the Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces. Due to the power that the Zhou Clan had, they increased the menace of the Shang dynasty. The power of this Clan had also created the conflict that the two groups had between each other.

This particular Dynasty is the lengthiest one throughout all of Chinese history, lasting for more than 800 years and having 37 different emperors. This Dynasty was divided into two separate Dynasties. The first one is called the Western Zhou Dynasty, which was between the 11th century B.C. and 771 B.C. The other Dynasty was called the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which was between 770 B.C. and 221 B.C. The only thing that people during this Dynasty recorded was the culture, economy, politics and science, all of which was recorded via various illustrations.

In 221 B.C., Qin conquered the other states that were still in existence during that period. When Qin was able to do that, China was not divided any more, becoming united once again. When the powers at hand changed, China was given a yet new Dynasty - the Qin Dynasty.

There are many interesting Chinese facts for kids from the Zhou Dynasty. Since this Dynasty was the longest Dynasty within China's history, a great many events happened during that time. With there being many events happening during this Dynasty, that means there are many Chinese facts for kids and adult to learn.

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